Be the owner who isn't owned by your business.
Take control of your business operations and reclaim your focus, freedom and flexibility without sacrificing personal fulfillment.
I’m Theresa Truong, CEO of Loop Link, where we help Creative Consultants and Strategists shift to sustainable growth. We’ve helped over 150+ businesses leverage the power of systems in their business, helping them reclaim their original vision and find fulfillment. We’re here to help you do the same.
Free SOP Bundle
Standard Operating Procedure Bundle: Get my FREE bundle to shift from a CEO-dependent to Systems-dependent operations.
When you set out as a determined, creative CEO, you had a vision.
To spend less time at the office and more at the dinner table with your family.
To thrive, teach, travel, or take a vacation without wifi.
But what you got instead was tunnel vision.
As your business grew, so did the demands on your time.
Now you can’t see beyond the next email, meeting, or deadline in front of you.
You’re at the point of overwhelm.
You’ve forgotten why you started this business in the first place.
Being “busy” isn’t benefiting you or your business.
That voice in your head that says, “If I’m not busy, I’m not as effective,” or,
“If I’m not busy, I’m not making the impact I want," is lying to you.
Being busy ≠ being effective.
When you’re always in overwhelm it creates constant all-hands-on-deck moments.
In turn, your vacation and family time goes out the window.
It’s okay to...
It’s time to remember that you actually like what you do — when you have the time to do it.
You can shift from burnt out and busy to organized and optimized.
With systems, you can run your agency efficiently and effectively, so you can step back and show up where you need to be.
It’s possible to feel present in your life, focus on what you actually love, and believe in your work again.
Why you started your business is important, but somewhere along the way, you became uprooted. It’s time to reground.
That is the core of Loop Link’s mission: to bring you back to your first love and help you reclaim your time, family, freedom, and flexibility.
so you can confidently step-away from your business operations to enjoy life.
so you don’t have to worry that your business will come crashing down without you.
so your business can grow and improve, and you can enjoy time for yourself and your loved ones.
Give yourself the space, time, and energy to step away and not feel guilty about it.
It's Time To Shift Into The
CEO Leadership
that you're meant to be in.
hey there!
I’m Theresa Truong —
and I fearlessly serve CEOs like you, so you
can reclaim your freedom and flexibility.
I'm a mom of two and successful business owner who has been in your shoes. I know all too well the feeling of corporate burnout. I realized through my 20+ years of experience that my definition of success was making my clients’ dreams come true.
Now, I now support CEOs and serve as an extension of their team, helping them create a business and life that reflects their core values. Through implementing business operations and systems, I help CEOs close the gaps and increase profitability.
Get to know me on Youtube
the SOP Bundle.
Ready to start systemizing your consulting business and scale with sustainability?
Get my FREE bundle to shift from a CEO-dependent to Systems-dependent operations.
what clients are saying

“The biggest thing that I've gained ... is confidence to trust that my systems and processes allow me to live the life I want.”
CASSANDRA, CEO | Copywriter

When Theresa came on board, I was impressed by her knowledge, energy and enthusiasm. Her dynamic perspective has completely shifted the way how we work, run our small agency and the direction of our growth.

I highly recommend Theresa Baretta if you too would like some help with changing the way you think and approach growing your business, managing employees and setting up systems.
SHAUNE, CEO | Bookkeeper

CEOs shouldn’t run the show — systems should.
Are you ready to grow your agency and serve more clients without adding more hours to your day?
With the right systems, structure, and processes, your business operations can run systematically. You can shift to being a more hands-off CEO and reclaim your life.