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Lessons In Rebranding My Business

Lessons in Rebranding My Business That Can Help You

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Have you noticed the trend that’s been happening in the business industry? Many businesses are taking the opportunity to pivot and rebrand. They include entrepreneurs that I admire like Amy Porterfield, Melissa Ingold, and my good friends Jessi and Marie of Northstar Messaging and Strategy. It’s nice to know that I am not alone in my journey to rebranding my business.

The last 8 months was quite an adventure. What started out as a quick logo change escalated into something more. It provided a platform to revisit my business vision, mission, and values. It made me realize that I wasn’t building towards a business that was aligned with the life I wanted. I wanted a business with a robust family-oriented framework and provides flexibility and freedom. It was an unintentional pivot that worked.

Lessons In Rebranding My Business

Why Rebranding My Business Worked

I love working with the clients that I have and attract. Many of them are solopreneurs and small business owners with a brick and mortar business. We work through a lot of productivity, procrastination, and problems that they experience. At the point of overwhelm is when a lot of these issues are found in the gaps of their business. Sometimes rebranding highlights these areas and gives us the opportunity to close the loop as they are going through the process.

Going through my own process of rebranding my business held many lessons.
Here are a few things that I learned:

Reconnecting with my Path, Passion, and Purpose

It’s very easy for the excitement of scaling your business, you can get wrapped up in work and miss the vision. I was putting in time and energy to serving clients and building relationships through networking. It was working, but it was taking more time and effort than I wanted to. I realized it was a model that wasn’t going to be scalable, or sustainable. So I leveraged the opportunity of rebranding to reposition my business to serve both the local and online community. It realigned my passion to my community, purpose to the world, and path towards a freedom-flexible lifestyle.
If you are considering rebranding your business, allow yourself to reconnect with your original purpose and passion. Not only does it re-ignite in you something you may have lost sight of, but re-energize you.

Building Community and Collaboration

This is one of the best time to find the partners in your community that you want to align yourself with. This is excellent timing because you can bring them into the big picture and plan of your rebranding. It’s also a great time to reach out to them and let them know the direction you are moving towards. By connecting with them, you’ll undoubtedly understand their brand, mission, and vision. You can assess if it’s a good fit, and how you’ll work with each other in the future. There’s also a higher goal. How will this help you serve your clients and community? For myself, I’ve connected with a mindset coach, content coach, copywriters, and branding strategist to bring into my fold. This helps my clients because as they are pivoting and with strategic planning, they will need these resources.

Engage the Communication

One of the worst things you can do is leave out your audience, and clients in your process. By not communicating your journey with them, you neglect one of the core business foundations. Remember that without clients, you won’t have a business. If I could do it over again, I would have communicated sooner with my clients and communities about my pivot. They deserve to be a part of it because success is together. Trusting them with my pivot is just as important as them trusting me with theirs. This opens the feedback loop to how you can better your business processes. By asking for feedback, you can get a real insight into where some of your gaps were and how you can close them.

Take Your Time

While the best of us desire for things to go as planned, on schedule and on time, it may not be the case. It is more harmful to pressure process than to take your time and enjoy it. While patience may not be natural to many, there are benefits to taking time with the rebranding process. Rebranding my business took longer than I had anticipated, but I’m glad I didn’t rush it. When I slowed down, I was able to see some of the gaps that had formed as bad habits in my business. With careful pivoting, I was able to bridge the gaps and close the loop with systems and processes.

Back to You

I’m glad that my journey of rebranding my business is wrapping up. Now I can focus my energy in the right places, and continue to build and grow my business. All while welcoming our second child to our family! If you have been considering rebranding your business, or have begun your pivot, here are a few quick things I encourage you to do:

  1. Make a plan. What are your goals for rebranding? Who needs to be involved and a part of your team (i.e., do you need a copywriter for your website copy, etc.)? What is your growth plan? It doesn’t need to be an elaborate plan, but enough to ensure your vision.
  2. Ask yourself it’s the right time. What other promotions, initiatives and immediate goals that need your focus? By injecting in an unplanned rebranding process can throw off your momentum.
  3. Do you have the right resources for time and investment to complete a rebrand at this time? This is important. Rebranding takes as much momentum as running a business. Without the proper resources in place (i.e., if you’re bootstrapping it) you may run the risk of stalling your process. This can cause more confusion and brand identity crisis.

It’s better to go at it with someone than to go at it alone. You can always reach out to me for a strategic planning session.

If you’ve recently completed your own pivot and rebranding journey, what were some of the lessons learned that you can impart to us?

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