As leaders, it is important for us to keep our business’ mission at the forefront of what we do. When you started your business, chances are that the first things you nailed down were your mission and vision. These two crucial pieces of information define your company, its goals and values.
Your mission statement is your “why”. It lets you, your team and clients know the reason your business exists and what your purpose is. Then, your vision outlines your end goal and objectives.
Despite their best efforts, even the best businesses can lose sight of their mission over time. Whether it’s the demands and responsibilities of being a business owner, the circumstances in your company that change, or unknowingly allowing a disconnect to happen, any of these factors can make you lose sight of your business’ “why”.
If you find yourself drifting away from your mission, it’s time to realign and bring your vision back into view.
How to Re-Align With Your Mission and Bring Your Vision Back in View
No matter what stage of your business you are in, it’s always important to routinely revisit the core purpose of your business, the reason you started it and why it exists. Ask yourself questions like “what does my business stand for?”, “what am I trying to accomplish” and “why is that important to my company”.
You should also evaluate if there have been significant changes in your business that would require you to adjust the execution of the mission. Perhaps your business model and objectives have shifted which has caused a disconnect. There is nothing wrong with this scenario, it means you need to re-strategize.
Your vision is the roadmap to your goals. Your mission is the vehicle that gets you there.Think about where you see your company in one, five or ten years. What actions and strategies will help you get there?
Base your decision-making processes on what you are trying to accomplish. You can also plan reviews of your mission statement with your team. This could be done monthly, quarterly or annually, for example. Whatever you choose to do, be sure that your mission and vision alignment translates into daily routines and practices.
As the saying goes “communication is key”. One of the best things you can do to realign your mission is to articulate it to your team and be as clear and concise as possible. Your mission must reflect the values and principles most important to your business.
Ensure that your team knows your company’s purpose and how it relates to their role.
Don’t just think it or say it. It’s important that you embody your mission and the values it supports. You can also reward your team when they demonstrate actions that are consistent with your business’ vision or mission.
When you follow this guideline, you will be able to realign your business mission and bring your vision back into focus.
As leaders it is our job to communicate and take actionable steps to ensure our mission and vision are aligned.
Remember, the strength of your purpose, dedication, and consistency is what helps you to avoid drifting away from your mission. It takes a lot of discipline and a strong understanding of your “why” to successfully align these elements.
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